Everleigh proves top pick for Greenbank home buyers

Everleigh residents will notice the mini building boom currently underway in our masterplanned community, with more than 150 homes under construction and dozens more starting soon.

First homebuyer Sha Urban’s among the new home builders creating their forever homes here in the heart of Greenbank, after settling on her lot in December. The 22-year-old expects construction to start this month on her four-bedroom Plantation Homes build and hopes to get the keys in time to host a celebratory Christmas soiree with friends.

Everleigh Greenbank Purchaser

Sha, who moved from Brisbane City to Springfield after graduating high school, says she ‘fell in love with the local area’ and registered her interest for a homesite early last year, before securing her lot.

“I knew I wanted my first property to be in this area and when I started my search I visited a lot of estates. What was important to me was a good location, a friendly community and a place where I could build new.”

In 2022, the new Everleigh State School opens in the centre of our community while work continues on the new $10 million Everleigh AFL Oval, which will form part of a larger sport and recreation precinct.

Ultimately, Everleigh will be made up of more than 3,400 homes, with 180 hectares of green open space, including conservation parkland, sports fields and recreation parks. A neighbourhood retail centre and community health centre are also planned.

Sha says our masterplan was a huge drawcard. “It includes a planned dog park, sports ovals, parklands and an on-site primary school. Everleigh is the kind of place where you know you can build a long-term future.

“All the little details stood out and, ultimately, made Everleigh my top pick, including the beautiful presentation and landscaping, the fact people who live here take great pride in their homes and the strong sense of community that shines through every time I visit.”

Home buyers interested in purchasing in our community are being encouraged to register their details with our sales team, to ensure they are kept up-to-date on our next land releases.

Sha says registering early was an important step in securing her own lot. “I thought it was competitive at the start of last year, but the demand has grown even more since,” she says.

“My advice for people looking is to try not to stress too much over what you can’t control and focus on what you can, such as being proactive in building relationships with the sales team or community you are interested in and getting your finances in order with a pre-approval.”

For more information on the Everleigh masterplan or to register your interest in the next land release, please contact our team by phoning 07 3859 5960 or visiting our Sales Centre on 56 Kessels Boulevard between 10am and 5pm daily.