Young families living in Everleigh and Greenbank have reason to celebrate, with the Queensland Government announcing a new State Primary School will open within the masterplanned community in time for the 2022 school year.

Mirvac, the developer of Everleigh, has been working for the last nine months on constructing the seven hectare serviced site, which will cater to over 1,400 students at full capacity. It’s just one of the local amenities planned within Everleigh, which will also include a Neighbourhood Centre and green open spaces amongst the quality homesites.

Mirvac General Manager, Residential Development Queensland, Warwick Bible, says the announcement marks a huge milestone.

"The new school is located within one of the fastest-growing regions in Queensland and has been high on the agenda for families for many years, so having an official opening date is certainly a big step forward,” he says.

"We can't wait to see the new school take shape over the coming years."

The school sits in the centre of Everleigh’s masterplan, meaning most residents will find themselves within walking distance (so there’s no excuse for missing the school bell!). Mr Bible says it’s one of a number of elements that promotes walkability and connection amongst the community.

"It will sit alongside 25 hectares of regional sport and recreation parks, along with walking and cycling trails and a series of neighbourhood and linear parks, so will become the new heart of this community."

The site will soon be handed over to the Department of Education to design and construct the built form. State Members Linus Power and Charis Mullen have been championing the new school, and both couldn’t be happier that a date has now been set for its opening.

“This school is one of three new schools in the Logan Electorate and shows the Palaszczuk Government’s commitment to quality education,” says Member for Logan Linus Power.

“It will be terrific to see local families walking to their new school from Term 1, 2022.

“A significant benefit for our local economic recovery is that this project will support up to 220 local jobs – creating significant employment opportunities for local tradies and subcontractors.”

Member for Jordan Charis Mullen agrees it’s welcome news for Greenbank residents. “This is really great for local families and for those who are choosing to make Greenbank their home, and I look forward to seeing this new school spring up from the ground,” she says.

“We’ve seen just how quickly this development area has expanded and a new primary school will help deliver the infrastructure needed to support this growing community.”

Keep up-to-date with the latest on the new State Primary School and other community milestones via Everleigh’s Facebook page.